It is pouring rain here, there is thunder and lightning, the wind has started to blow for hours without ceasing, and still I am going to insist that there are two more days of summer until the Autumnal Equinox. This … Continue reading
Category Archives: Grilling
Grilled Fajitas- Why I Garden
Everyone is posting about pumpkins, but there are still ten more days of summer and our garden is at its best. I am finally enjoying my summer harvest, the crickets are still chirping and it’s still light here at … Continue reading
Tip & Trick: How to Rub Meat to Perfection
I think grilling in our house is about to change for the better. My husband and his friend Derek attended a smoking and grilling class a couple weeks ago. This weekend I really enjoyed their new knowledge. Derek grilled a divine … Continue reading
Emily’s Pork Kabobs
This recipe comes from my cousin Emily over at Favorite Family Recipes. Emily and her husband Beau lived down the street from us in Northern California and we shared many a meal and card game when our grocery budgets were … Continue reading
Grilled Pineapple with Balsamic Reduction
Every summer my sister, Corinne and I seem to have a “dessert of the summer.” Last year was the summer of ice cream pies. This summer she got me hooked on grilled pineapple with vanilla ice cream and balsamic … Continue reading
Tri-Tip Roast with Garlic Butter Dipping Sauce
My brother has a girlfriend that is a vegetarian and we have had some great vegetarian meals at our Sunday gatherings this summer. A couple of weeks ago he came over by himself for the first time in months because … Continue reading
Grilled Pork Chops with Peach and Red-Onion Relish
These grilled pork chops with peach and red-onion relish are super easy to make. Pork and fruit always go together well. This peach and red-onion relish is both sweet and savory and a burst of flavor. Grilled meat topped with fruit … Continue reading